

Faith and Fear...

Trust and Doubt...

Ups and Downs...

A God that still performs miracles...

A 1-pound baby girl and 3-pound baby boy...

This is our story; this is our life.


In the race of life, God our heavenly Father has come alongside us through the person of the Holy Spirit. And

~when we think we can't go one more step,

~when the race becomes painful beyond endurance,

~when our hearts feel heavy,

~when our minds become dull,

~when our spirits are burned out,

we have the comforter who comes alongside us, puts His everlasting arms around us, and gently walks with us.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hermine, Code Black and MRSA

Well today was an interesting day. If you live here in the MetroPlex, you know we were flooded (literally) by Tropical Storm Hermine. The rains came hard and fast all day long. I guess you can say it rained on my parade. I had intended to go to Kaylan's Noon touch time, but the weather was so bad, I opted against it. Landon, Dylan and I all went to the hospital tonight for her 6 p.m. touch time. When I walked into the NICU, all the babies were lined up in the hallway (away from windows). The hospital was having a Code Black due to weather and concern over tornados in the area. So, Kaylan was being shuffled around as were all the other NICU patients. Things should be settled down soon after the warnings subside.

We also learned that Kaylan tested positive for MRSA today. They swabbed all the babies in her wing and she has it. MRSA is a germ that is no longer killed by certain antibiotics. It can cause different kinds of "staph" infections, including pneumonia, blood stream infections, and wound infections. Some healthy people can "carry" this bacteria for a long time without getting sick, but can still give it as an infection to other people. It's spread by contact (touch) with a person who is infected or colonized with it, or with an object that has the germ on it. What is the difference between infection and colonization? An infection is germs growing and multiplying and the body is trying to fight them. Colonization is germs living in a body, but not making the body sick. Everyone is colonized with bacteria in certain areas. Infections occur when these bacteria get into an area where they don't belong. Right now, Kaylan is not showing any symptoms of being sick. The doctors say the germs are colonized in her nose (where they did the swab). This is yet another thing we will add to our list of things to pray for in regards to her health. It just seems like our baby girl can't catch a break. We were told that another baby had it in the NICU and therefore they tested everyone in that wing. It's possible that a nurse that touched the other baby, also touched Kaylan and therefore transferred it. We can't be sure, and we certaintly wouldn't cast blame - heck, it could have come from Landon or myself, we just don't know. It's most known for being in hospitals, but these days it runs rampant in the community, day cares, playgrounds, churches, family, friends, you name it.

As for her feeds, she still seems to be stuck in neutral. She'll complete some of her bottles during the day, but not all. The developmental therapists still say she just needs more time. If she's still in this same position in another week or so, the doctors will regroup and see if they need to come up with a new strategy to improve things. Since she's now two weeks past her due date, they are really pushing to get her discharged soon. She's basically acting like a 35 weeker now. Her weight is now 5 pounds, 1 oz. Weight gain is on the right path, although she's still loaded up with extra calories, fortifiers and thickeners. When she does come home, I will have my hands full just trying to mix the concoction of ingredients for each of her bottles. I'm tired just thinking about it. It's a reminder that to me that just cause she comes home, things won't necessarily be "normal". Kaylan is likely in for quite a rough road for the next few years. She's been behind the 8 ball from the get go, and things don't just come easy to her. Here's hoping she's got her daddy's determination and her mom's strong will to do things her way ;)

I know we probably don't even need to ask you to pray...but we'll ask anyway. It's all we've got...and prayers have been answered time and time again for these little miracles. We're continuing to trust.


Cinda Brown said...

Landon and Jennifer, My son Joshua had MRSA when he was 3...still have no idea how he got it. He was actually having puss-filled bumps and that's how we caught is so be grateful Kaylan is showing no signs. Treatment is simple: she'll be on an IV antibiotic until it's gone...no big deal : ) I pray things will continue back on the smooth track quickly! Cinda Brown

ourlittlefrenchyfry.blogspot.com said...

Still praying for her to take off SOON!!!! Keep your chins up!!