

Faith and Fear...

Trust and Doubt...

Ups and Downs...

A God that still performs miracles...

A 1-pound baby girl and 3-pound baby boy...

This is our story; this is our life.


In the race of life, God our heavenly Father has come alongside us through the person of the Holy Spirit. And

~when we think we can't go one more step,

~when the race becomes painful beyond endurance,

~when our hearts feel heavy,

~when our minds become dull,

~when our spirits are burned out,

we have the comforter who comes alongside us, puts His everlasting arms around us, and gently walks with us.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I've been thinking about some numbers today. Today I completed a full week in the hospital and I'm actually thankful for that. I hope to be here much longer. Here are some numbers that came in my mind this evening.

7 - number of sonograms I've had since being here; also the number of days that I've NOT been outside one time (seeing how hot it looks, I can't complain too much about that).

3 - number of hours that I spent on the heart rate fetal monitor just TODAY

14 - number of times (at least) that Landon has driven back and forth to see me

2 - number of cribs Landon put together this weekend at home :)

253 - roughly the number of times I've changed the channels on the TV here only to find NOTHING on worth watching :)

28 - number of times I've had blood pressure taken this week; also the number of weeks I'd like to carry these babies - at MINIMUM!

21 - number of VISITORS!!!

6 - number of flower arrangements received!

One million - roughly the number of prayers I've said for our babies; that number probably safely includes all the other people that are praying too!

1,000 - tears shed over the overwhelming amount of encouragement received as well as the overwhelming since of fear and helplessness during this time.

May the prayers increase a million times over for Kaylan and Dylan. I can't believe how much we already love them.


Unknown said...

Landon, Jenner, Dylan, and Kaylan:
Just wanted to say I am so thankful to have the privilege of praying for you all! There is NOTHING like knowing your prayers are being heard and answered. Having the opportunity to go daily before His throne with very specific prayers, and knowing that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is actively interceding at the right hand of the Father, is such a huge blessing. I have been on the receiving end of those prayers many times, especially in the last couple of years, and I KNOW that it is a humbling experience to let go and allow God to take complete control. But, through this, my faith has grown immensely because I have seen the results of "letting go and letting God." I hope you can rest in His peace today, knowing that His plan is already at work. Dylan and Kaylan were in His plan before He ever said, "Let there be light." He will not be surprised by anything that happens and He will not struggle to correct any situation. Rather, He will allow His plan to proceed, and He will seek to deepend His relationship with all of us as a result. Watch for Him...Seek Him...Be still and Listen for Him...Call out to Him...then completely Experience Him. What an incredible experience these little babies will be a part of as so many watch their progress, at the Hands of God Almighty, and as so many see Christians trust in Christ alone!

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.

We love you all!
Jud, Jen, Will, and Andrew

Dusty Chris said...

Make that 1,000,001 prayers for you. Father in the name of Jesus surround Jennifer with your love and grace. Father you created Dylan and Kaylan and I pray your healing hand touch Kaylan right now. Let your healing power be evident. Bless Landon as he supports and prays for his babies. Allow him to see your wisdom and love for him right now in the name of Jesus.
Jennifer be blessed. I will lift you up each time God places you on my heart...three times so far today.