

Faith and Fear...

Trust and Doubt...

Ups and Downs...

A God that still performs miracles...

A 1-pound baby girl and 3-pound baby boy...

This is our story; this is our life.


In the race of life, God our heavenly Father has come alongside us through the person of the Holy Spirit. And

~when we think we can't go one more step,

~when the race becomes painful beyond endurance,

~when our hearts feel heavy,

~when our minds become dull,

~when our spirits are burned out,

we have the comforter who comes alongside us, puts His everlasting arms around us, and gently walks with us.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Taste of Heaven...

I have sipped wine in a café in Florence overlooking the Italian countryside.  I have lived on the beach in Southern California.  I have been in the same room as a sitting US President.  I have seen the mountains of Alaska and the beaches of Mexico.  I have completed marathons.  (I said completed not competed.)  I have prayed in 2000-year old cathedrals in Rome.  I was at the greatest college football game ever played (Tech beating No.1 ranked Texas – 2008).  I have ice-skated in Rockefeller Plaza under the NYC Christmas lights.  All this to say, NOTHING, I have done has been as special as this...

 Holding our babies for the 1st time! 

Maybe it is because it took 10 days after birth to get to hold them.  Maybe it’s because the doctors were not too optimistic about their survival.  Maybe it’s because how early they arrived.  Maybe it’s because I am holding a tangible miracle from God.  Or maybe it is just because I love them so much.

Jesus said when we pray, we are to pray “for things to be on Earth as they are in Heaven”.  Thanks to all the prayers, we have gotten to experience “Heaven” on Earth.  Please continue to pray for the development of our babies.  May all continue to see glimpses of Heaven in these tiny miracles.  


Anonymous said...

Landon,this is just beautiful.
Love, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

You and Jen both are great writers. You have truly blessed me through your words. Your babies are beyond precious and blessed to have great Godly parents!


Jill Mathews Willis said...

It just about takes your breath away, doesn't it - our capacity to love our children. Our special, beautiful miracles. I'm so proud that you got to hold your sweet babies - proud of them for growing so strong & proud of you & your wife for growing so strong in your faith. I keep saying this, but it is so true - cherish this time the four of you are spending together. It's overwhelming & scary, but it's so precious.

Unknown said...

Landon and Jenner, Thanks for letting me share in your "Kangaroo Time" on Monday. It was amazing to see these little ones that so many have prayed for.

I was listening to praise music and singing at the top of my lungs as I drove back to Nac on Monday. I heard a song that somewhat put into words/music something that has been solidified in my mind as I have prayed alongside your family. It's based on Romans 8:38-39. The Truth is:

"Nothing in life, nothing in death, no mountain height, no ocean depth, no power below, on earth, or above can separate me from Your love."

A speaker prior to the song speaks of Paul and Silas as they were beaten and put into chains. Despite their circumstances, they CHOSE to sings songs of praise. And the power of God brought about an earthquake that shook the ground and broke their chains. The speaker mentioned that sometimes God will send an earthquake to shake us from our spoiled state and remind us of His power and our need for Him. I'm so thankful that, as you both have lived through this earthquake, you have CHOSEN to praise Him regardless and you have drawn ever closer to Him.

What a blessing!

Love you guys...Jud