The twins turned two-weeks old today! The last two weeks have gone so slow, but looking back, have also gone by so quickly. An interesting thing about having extreme premature babies is they actually have two ages. They have their “chronological age”, which was June 11, but then they have their “adjusted age”, and since their due date isn’t until the end of August, they are also considered 31-weeks (gestational.) So happy 2-weeks (chronological) or happy negative-9 weeks (adjusted) to Kaylan and Dylan!
Kaylan’s blood work was showing signs of an infection, so they continued her antibiotic. She will get 7 days worth of meds to nip this sucker in the bud. She also had her 3rd blood transfusion yesterday, and was much more herself today. She loves fresh blood as she was getting back to her feisty self last night! She did have a very swollen hand where her PICC line is so they are monitoring it to see if they can’t get the swelling to go down. Also, she is now flowing excrement like the BP oil spill, so that is an answered prayer. Thanks to all who have prayed for poop! (Oh yeah, the little fatty now weighs 1lb 5.2oz!)
Dylan is Dylan. He still has the smoothest, laid back personality. He hasn’t had anymore vomiting episodes since they have lengthened his feedings from 1-hour to 1.5hours. We alternate “kangarooing” him everyday. Today was Jen’s turn. He loves to lay on our chests and sleep. He is still down 5oz. from his birth weight, but all the doctors say that is still fine. You better watch out Dylan, it looks like little sis is closing the gap pretty quickly.
I know I have said this before but I must say it again. Thanks to everyone that is following along side us on this journey. I don’t think I can put into words how important every blog comment, card, text message, email, visit or prayer is to us. They sustain us. I have seen more good in people over the last few months than I ever knew existed. They even put on a benefit for us and the babies at my work (Nissan Motor Acceptance) this week. Several hundred dollars were raised and the majority of that was given by complete strangers that don’t even know the details of the situation. We continue to be humbled daily by the kindness of people. Thank you to everyone for all the support over the last 2 weeks. It has been an incredible ride. Thank you for the continued prayers.
Yeah Kaylan! So glad to hear she is gaining. Dylan will be gaining soon, I am sure. I look each day to check for updates. Prayers continue to flow for you all.
Susan Wetzel
Happy 2 week birthday to the twince and twincess...Way to go Kaylan on the gaining weight daily...(It runs in the family)Ha! Come on D-man, get on the ball, or little sissy will catch up to you! So glad this journey continues to be a positive one. Prayers go up from C-town everyday, all day long. We love you all, and glad to hear a good report today! I was worried we weren't going to get a "blog" report today, but then saw it! Yay! It makes my day, and renews my faith daily! Love you guys and girls!
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